State of Maine - Work Permit Process
The student must have been "offered" a job before a work permit is issued.
The Maine Work Permit form can be downloaded here:
Minors under 16 years old must obtain a work permit before beginning a job. This includes home-schoolers. They must get a new permit every time they begin a new job until they reach 16 years old, even if they work for their parents. Employers must have a stamped, approved work permit on file before allowing any minor under 16 years old to work.
In order to apply for a work permit, the minor must be:
- enrolled in school
- not habitually truant or under suspension
- passing a majority of courses during the current grading period
Once the minor has the promise of a job, the student's birth certificate or passport must be taken to the Superintendent's office for processing. A parent must be present to sign the document.
We will process the permit and send the forms to the Maine Department of Labor. Allow one week for processing.
The minor cannot work until the Department of Labor approves the permit.
The Department of Labor will review the permit to ensure that the minor is of legal age to work at the business and that the occupation is not hazardous. If the permit is in order, the Department will validate the forms, keep one copy and return two copies to the Superintendent’s office (one copy for the school, one for the employer).
The Department of Labor issues permits for specific jobs with specific employers. Permits are not transferable to other jobs or employers. A minor under 16 needs a separate work permit for each place he or she works. A minor can have one active permit during the school year and two during the summer. Upon leaving a job, the minor or the employer should return the employer copy of the permit to the Department of Labor so that it can be invalidated.